There's No Single One Size Fits For All
What I do is custom-tailored to each and every individual & business. Although we’ll always start with the solid base of my Business Accelerator Program, the magic happens when you take the knowledge you’re now about to learn and apply it in your business with ongoing mentorship from myself or my team. This is not a “rinse and repeat” strategy; doing the exact same thing for every business. You are an individual and your business and it’s needs are unique, and that’s why we approach every single new applicant with a student’s mind, because as much as you’re about to learn from this program, myself and my team will also be leaning about YOU so that we can ensure that we serve and deliver at the highest of levels.

Do we go deep? Hell yes – there’s no other way to go. This is where the gold is – when you discover that you can release all those fears of judgement and allow that true amazing self to come out and play. You see, this is where the magic happens and where the real change begins to manifest.
And change is what it’s all about, because if you’re looking for a Business Mentor or Coach, or even thought about getting someone to help you pave the new path forward, then you know that change is a must.
What Is Business Mentoring & Coaching?
Well, we know what it’s not, so let’s discuss what it is. Business Mentoring & Coaching is about moving you FORWARD. It’s about realizing that everything in your life & business thus far has happened FOR you and not TO you. Business Mentoring & Coaching is about recognizing what it is that you’re no longer willing to tolerate in your life & business and it’s most certainly about closing the gap from where you are, to where you know your business deserves to be.
Business Mentoring & Coaching with UE Coaching is about taking charge of your life, your wealth, your business your health and your relationships. The Business Accelerator Program (B.A.P.) coupled with Mentoring & Coaching, provides you with the strategies and unstoppable mindset to take back your time and discover all those areas where you can optimize both your life AND your business.
The B.A.P., combined with Business Mentoring & Coaching is strategically designed to set you up with the principles that encourage you to discover the opportunity in every moment, fostering radical business growth, thereby taking your business, new or existing, to a completely different level.
How Do We Move Forward?
#1 – Via the from above (or below) you’ll apply to The Business Accelerator Program.
#2 – If your application is successful, we’ll have a frank discussion on exactly where your business is at, and what you’re prepared to do to achieve results. (This call is provided courtesy of Gateway and is valued at $847.00, so show up ready to play full out!)
#3 – You make the decision to move forward and we select a time for the personalized group training & private Mentoring to take place.
#4 – YOU and your team take massive determined action towards your results and DO THE WORK!

That last part was a big one. Why? Because that’s one of the single most important things you and your team can do to achieve your results – do the work. For the most part, the answer has been or is already there – it’s all a matter of assisting you in discovering your path to your results and then setting up a great action plan for you to achieve them.
This is it. This is the secret and this is the “dissected alchemy” of what I do, and it’s how I’m able to help business operators from all over the world relieve that unnecessary stress, scale their businesses and become true business owners.
If you know that success is your only option, you’re ready to learn a proven productivity system for you and your business, and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to take your new or existing business to the next level, then I know with certainty that we’ll be speaking soon!
Executive Business Results Coach
Jamie Adamchuk
Jamie Adamchuk has been in the professional training industry for well over 11 years, serving executive management teams worldwide. He’s worked with multiple industries includinghealthcare, restaurant & food service, heavy equipment & real estate, specializing in Extraordinary Customer Service and Strategic Business Growth.
Jamie has served with the Anthony Robbins Group of Companies as a Tony Robbins Certified Elite, Master and Platinum Coach, along with providing his services as a Tony Robbins Business Results Trainer.

He’s coached clients in over 23 countries world-wide and has most recently traveled to Australia to do so, where he had the opportunity to connect with Grant Cardone (the #1 sales and marketing trainer in the world), Kerwin Rae (Australia’s leading business strategist) & Gary Vaynerchuk – Gary Vee (the world’s leading digital marketer and social media strategist).
He’s an internationally Licensed NeuroLinguistic Master Practitioner certified by Dr. Richard Bandler, the creator of NLP and one of Tony Robbins original mentors.
Jamie is very honored to have attended and successfully completed Kerwin Rae’s Nail It & Scale It (NISI) Masterclass where he was awarded a personal mentorship with Kerwin himself, as a result of his efforts in and around social media.
He’s facilitated in person meetings for a select few of his elite clients with some of the world’s top influencers, including both Tony Robbins and Gary Vee.
Jamie has been acknowledged as the “inspiration, enthusiasm and motivation” and “exactly what was required”, by multiple top selling self-help authors.
He’s also coached and mentored thousands of consultants, coaches and clients on business development, marketing, sales and most importantly on how to create an unstoppable, unshakeable entrepreneurial mindset – the REAL key to success.
Jamie is a Proud owner of UE Coaching where he helps business operators relieve unnecessary stress, scale their businesses, and become TRUE Business Owners.