Calculateur d'évaluation d'entreprise gratuit

Comprendre la valeur de votre entreprise

Quelle est la valeur de votre entreprise?

Utilisez ce calculateur pour recevoir immédiatement une estimation de la valeur de votre entreprise. Ce calculateur ne remplace pas une évaluation professionnelle, mais peut être un excellent point de départ. Veuillez nous contacter pour discuter de la manière dont nous utilisons ces résultats comme première étape de notre processus éprouvé pour vous obtenir le meilleur prix pour votre entreprise.

Avis de non-responsabilité

Cet outil d’évaluation d’entreprise a été conçu en utilisant les meilleures pratiques de l’industrie pour l’évaluation des entreprises gérées par leurs propriétaires, avec des données basées sur les conditions actuelles du marché. Il est destiné à donner aux propriétaires d’entreprise une idée générale de la valeur actuelle de leur entreprise, mais ne remplace pas une évaluation professionnelle ni une évaluation personnelle étape par étape, comme le propose Business Selling Mastery.

Ce rapport est préparé avec des informations fournies par l’utilisateur, qui n’ont pas été vérifiées de quelque manière que ce soit par Gateway Business Intermediaries ou Business Selling Mastery. Nous ne pouvons garantir l’exactitude ou l’exhaustivité des informations contenues ici, ni des valeurs calculées.

Business Details
Real Estate
Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (SDE)
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Business Name
Industry *
Date of most recent financial statements *
Revenue *
Total revenue for the year above
Net Profit *
The profit declared by the business in the year above, not including any income tax expenses.
Real Estate
Does your business own its real estate directly, through a holding company, or in your personal name?
What is your best estimate of the current value of the real estate the business operates from?
Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (SDE)
What annual wages (salary payments that show up on a T4 form) does your company pay you?
If there are other family members in the business, what adjustment would be needed to replace the work they do with new employees at market rates?
Example 1: Your partner only does a few minor tasks in the business, but takes a salary of $20,000 for tax purposes. That salary can be added back, so in this case enter 20,000.
Example 2: Your partner does work that someone else could be hired to do for $5,000, but is paid $20,000 for tax purposes. In this case enter the difference of 15,000.
Example 3: Your partner works 20 hours per week in the business but does not take a salary. You estimate that to replace them the company would need to hire someone at $20/h. $20/h * 20h/week * 48 weeks/year = $19,200. In this case, since this is an additional expense that a new owner will have to bear, enter it as a nagative adjustment of -19,200.
Example 4: If you own an accommodations business (campground, hotel, etc) and you work in the business with your partner, enter an adjustment of 0. Your buyer will likely be another couple, and SDE should reflect two owner operators instead of the usual single owner operator.
If you do not work full time in your business, what is the salary of the highest paid staff member (usually your General Manager)?
We can add this back to model how it would look for a full time owner operator. If you work full time, enter 0.
What insurance premiums (life and health) does your company cover for you and your family?
What interest expenses (short term and long term) are included on your financial statements?
These can all be added back.
What interest income or income from investments has the company booked?
Enter as a negative
What amortization and/or depreciation expenses have been booked in the year?
What phone expenses were booked to the business for phones that are used by the owner and family members?
Did the financial year under consideration have higher or lower repair and maintenance expenses than average, or than a new owner should expect going forward?
If expenses were greater than a new owner should anticipate, enter a positive amount to add back to bring it in line with future expectations. If expenses were less than a new owner should anticipate, which is rare, use a negative number to include this in the calculation.
Add back all travel and entertainment expenses that were not essential to the operation of the business.
If the expense would be discretionary to a new owner, add it back. If the new owner would have to have this expense in order to maintain the operations of the business, do not add it back.
Amount of donations booked, to be added back.
Enter any non-essential research and development costs that were discretionary and will not be recurring for the new owner.
If bad debts are a regular and expected part of the operations of your business, they should remain in your SDE. However, if you sustained an unusual or one-time loss from a bad debt, that can be added back here.
Add back any one time project expenses and non-recurring professional fees (eg legal)
Other adjustments
For example revenue from activities unrelated to the business being sold (negative add back), expenses incurred to generate that unrelated revenue (positive add back), an insurance claim payout booked as revenue (negative add back)
Modifier (Rating)
Growth trend (business)
1: 3+ years of negative growth in sales
2: 1-2 years history of negative growth in sales
3: History of steady sales
4: History of low or unreliable growth in sales
5: History of consistent growth in sales
Growth trend (industry)
1: Industry in sustained decline
2: Industry at risk or stagnating
3: Industry growing slowly
4: Industry in steady long term growth trend
5: High growth industry
Historical Profits compared to industry
1: Profits much lower than industry average
2: Profits lower than industry average
3: Industry average profits
4: Profits higher than industry average
5: Profits much higher than industry average
Recurring revenue (eg subscriptions)
Recurring revenue are sales that will be charged to a customer unless the customer cancels, for example subscriptions.
1: less than 10% of revenue
2: 11-25%
3: 26-50%
4: 51-75%
5: 76%+
Repeat customers (inc recurring revenue above)
Repeat customers include recurring revenue, plus revenue that is not committed to but comes regularly from repeat customers.
1: less than 10% of revenue
2: 11-25%
3: 26-50%
4: 51-75%
5: 76%+
Revenue Risk
1: Startup, or industry in disruption
5: Long history (10+ years) of consistent results
3-5 years well documented financial reports
1: Financial reports for the past 3-5 years are incomplete and/or inaccurate
5: Financial reports for the past 3-5 years have been prepared by an accountant
1: The current location is not desirable for the business, if it were in another location it would do considerably better
3: The current location is acceptable/average for the business
5: There is no better location for the business
Competition and barriers to entry
1: Low barriers to entry, multiple competitors
5: High barriers to entry and no competitors
Marketability of business
1: Low, specialized skills required from buyer
5: High, many potential buyers
Ease of operating business
1: No clear procedures documented and staff untrained in processes
5: Turnkey business that operates with little effort from the owner
Management team
1: Owner is responsible for all management tasks
5: Full time management team in place that will come with the business
Employee skill and productivity
1: Employees do not have any special skills and their productivity is low
3: Employees have skills specific to their jobs, and productivity is acceptable
5: Employees are highly skilled and motivated, and productivity is high
How easy to replace key staff
1: Hard to find key staff
5: Large pool of qualified potential employees for all roles
Owner personal service to customers
1: Owner heavily involved in customer relations and service delivery
5: Owner not involved directly with customers
Customer concentration
1: 50%+ of sales to a few key customers
5: No customer responsible for more that 5% of sales
Supplier risk
1: Significant risk of supply disruption (eg vendor going out of business)
5: Very low risk of supply disruption
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