Price: $2,990,000
Annual Revenue: $886,000
Minimum Equity Required: $1,200,000
SDE: $457,000
Location: Alberta
Industry: Hotels, Motels, Camps and other Lodging
ID: 1430
Status: New
This property has been beautifully renovated and meticulously maintained.It features 36 rooms, including 33 kitchenette units, an executive suite with a king-sized bed, as well as a one-bedroom manager’s suite.
They also offer free breakfasts, a space for activities and a fitness facility.
The sale is anticipated to be an Asset sale. By completing the NDA and becoming adequately qualified, you will be sent a full Offering Memorandum that will answer most, if not all, of your questions.
Annual Revenue and Net Operating Income, fiscal year-end March 31:
Revenue: $886,000
NOI: $457,000
Revenue: $900,000
NOI: $481,000
The property is situated on 1.96 acres of land. There's also a dedicated parking space for trucks.
For more information on this listing, please complete our Non-Disclosure Agreement
For more information on this listing, please complete our Non-Disclosure Agreement
Complete NDA for Full Overview