Price: $10,270,000
Annual Revenue: $2,640,000
Minimum Equity Required: $3,000,000
SDE: $785,000
Location: Alberta
Industry: Hotels, Motels, Camps and other Lodging
ID: 1416
Status: New
This 100-room limited service hotel was built in 2015, is in very good condition, and has complimenting amenities including waterslide pool, lounge, fitness room, business centre, and meeting rooms.
There is an opportunity to change the branding of the property, which may support enhanced demand, given it's prime location to a major highway.
The sale is anticipated to be an Asset sale.
By completing the NDA and becoming adequately qualified, you will be be sent a full Offering Memorandum that will answer most, if not all, of your questions.
Annual Revenue and Net Operating Income:
Revenue: $2,640,000
NOI: $785,000
Revenue: $1,980,000
Revenue: $1,730,000
Site Area: 1.96 acres
Property is serviced with town sewer and water.
For more information on this listing, please complete our Non-Disclosure Agreement
For more information on this listing, please complete our Non-Disclosure Agreement
Complete NDA for Full Overview